DVDs Main page
We are proud to say that we carry the largest
collection of Tamil Movie and Song DVDs on the Internet.
- For your convenience we have arranged the DVDs
in many different ways as you see on the right side of your page
- Just click the the star of your choice or
- Click on the title alphabet that the title
starts with
- Most of the DVDs are in stock and are shipped
with in 24 hours
- We accept Visa and Master Cards.
- Your information is processed Verisign.
Titles we carry include Ayngaran, Pyramid and BMD.
Shipping charges for first class postal
service within US is $ 2.00 for the first item and $ 0.50 for each
additional item. It takes about five days.
For second day deliver the charges are $ 6.00 for
the first item and $ 1.00 for each additional item.
For international air shipment the charges are $ 7.00 for the first
item and $ 2.00 for each additional item.